The Drive for 75 ($75,000)

We are raising the funds needed to furnish and provide the equipment needed to complete the new youth building. This project represents the second largest expansion in New Mercies’ 17-year history. The building is approximately the same size as the current main facility. The new Youth building will be in the center of the church property next to The Fitness Center.


We are raising $75,000 to finish our new youth building. Using a generous donation, the construction process has begun and will soon be completed. You can have a role in this magnificent endeavor by praying daily and giving generously to help complete the interior of the facility and provide everything needed to complete our new youth building.


How will I determine how much to give to The Drive for 75?

No one would ever tell you how much to give or ask you to give a certain amount. That’s between you and the Lord. Individual giving to The Drive for 75 should be proportionate to God’s individual blessings in our lives. We won’t all give the same amount. But we can all give with the same amount of sacrifice.

Paul told the Corinthians, “But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us—see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” (2 Corinthians 8:7) He went on to say, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). We Believe More Than Ever is an opportunity for each of us to give cheerfully, joyfully and enthusiastically for something that will have both an immediate and long-term impact while also leaving a legacy that will last way beyond any of us.

Everything we have today as a church family–all of the people who call New Mercies home, the incredible outreach of our church reaching hundreds and thousands for Christ every year not only in Lilburn but all over the country, our beautiful, campus, the great facilities God has blessed us with, the numerous ministries and outstanding programs we have–are the result of the sacrificial, generous giving of our New Mercies’ family.

Someone once said, “The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”

That’s what The Drive for 75 is all about!

What’s the best way to give to The Drive for 75?

You can give a one-time gift now, a weekly gift or a monthly gift and you can give at any time. No gift is too large. No gift is too small and every gift will help make a difference for eternity.

Thank you for your support and may you continue to be blessed as we strive to “Experience God’s New Mercies.”

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New Mercies Christian Church