Welcome to The Link!
The Link is Student Ministries here at New Mercies Christian Church which serves students from Elementary-Age to High School-Age. Our main goal in The Link is to connect students to Christ and equip them to serve and lead in a way that will draw others to Christ in a forever-changing world. We achieve this through our engagements and connections with our students who are members of our church as well as students in our surrounding community.
We meet with our students every 2nd, and 3rd Sunday for our 8am and 10:30am worship services. Outside of our worship services, we create opportunities to introduce Christ to students inside and outside of our building and to help them begin and nurture their relationship with Him.
We want this ministry to be a part of your student’s family and not an option. We know that we are not only molding and shaping believers in Christ, but also better people. We are also always looking for adults who want to serve as leaders in Students Ministries. It’s a place for people who have a heart to help lead young people to Christ and to be the best version of themselves.
I look forward to serving your students and serving with new leaders as we continue to connect students to Christ! God bless you and I love you all!
Our nursery shows God’s love while providing a safe, fun, learning and loving environment to all children between the ages of 3 months to 3-4 years old (preK enrolled).
Our focus is on equipping students from Pre-K through 5th grade with the foundational stories, laws, and commandments of Christ, in order to develop Christian disciples.
Middle School & High School
This ministry is a blend of Middle School & High School that was specifically designed to reach our students who are in the 6th – 8th grades & High School students. it prides itself on being the spiritual benchmark for many of our students as they face the challenges in their schools, homes, and society at large.
Special Programs
The Link’s “Planting Our Feet” initiative is all about our mission and goal to connect students to Christ who are outside the four walls of our church. This is about our partnership with the schools in our community. We have planted our feet in the Parkview High and Shiloh High Clusters.
Through Planting Our Feet we engage the elementary, middle, and high schools in these clusters in a way to develop a relationship with the students and faculty. It is our goal to ensure that they know that we are a resource for them in ways outside of our worship services on Sunday.
Part of Planting Our Feet is having a regular connection with the students in these clusters. For the Elementary Schools, we offer our “Warm Welcome”. This is where volunteers from our church show up to greet students in the morning with great energy and love. For the Middle Schools, it’s “Frequent Flyers”. This is where we meet with students who may have academic and/or behavioral challenges to help encourage them to be and do better. For the High Schools, it’s “What Did He Say”. This is an opportunity where we meet students in the lunch room and they have the opportunity to ask any questions about their faith, or life, and leave a prayer request. It’s all about Planting Our Feet and connecting these students to Christ and assisting them in being the best version of themselves!
The Services
The Link Worship Service
What can you expect? An amazing worship experience for all ages, games to get students engaged, a word to connect to Christ, and small groups to learn and grow together.
The Wild’N Experience
What can you expect? A worship experience to set the tone, guest artists to engage in competition that also allows them to share their gifts and talents, and a unique experience to connect to Christ
The Merge
What can you expect? An exciting and high-energy experience that combines, competitive games, worship, and a connected word that allows us to see Christ in our everyday life.
The Pavement Experience
What can you expect? A worship experience outside that allows us to connect to Christ outside of the walls of our church
If you are interested in your student being a part of Student Ministries or you are interested in being a leader please email us at students@newmerciescc.org